2015年10月28日 星期三


ActiveXObject undefine

Starting with IE11, the navigator object supports plugins and mimeTypesproperties. In addition, the window.ActiveXObject property is hidden from the DOM. (This means you can no longer use the property to detect IE11.)

微軟的IE....又改了....IE10之前可以直接判斷window有沒有ActiveXObject來分辨是不是IE瀏覽器,IE11將ActiveXObject改成隱藏....所以不能直接判斷,需要改成 "ActiveXObject" in window 的方式如下....

var isIE=window['ActiveXObject'] ? true :
         "ActiveXObject" in window ? true : false;


2015年10月8日 星期四


 開發網頁時,若碰到內容較多的表單類或是資料表格(Data table or Data grid),常會讓網頁本身的文字內容就很肥大。

尤其若碰到需要引用一些javascript liberaryextjs or flex這種本身就很肥的東西,常常光基本結構還沒有放入任何內容就已經超過2-3MB了,開發測試時可能還感覺不出來,因為大部分都會在本地端開發,但是只要放在正式環境時就會看的出來影響了。

壓縮HTTP內容(HTTP Compression)






Tomcat GZIP Compression設定

找到${tomcat_home} /conf/server.xml,修改Connector的設定

<Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
           maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
           connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"
noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"
, text/css, text/xml"/>

屬性說明(Copy From Apache)
The Connector may use HTTP/1.1 GZIP compression in an attempt to save server bandwidth. The acceptable values for the parameter is "off" (disable compression), "on" (allow compression, which causes text data to be compressed), "force" (forces compression in all cases), or a numerical integer value (which is equivalent to "on", but specifies the minimum amount of data before the output is compressed). If the content-length is not known and compression is set to "on" or more aggressive, the output will also be compressed. If not specified, this attribute is set to "off".
Note: There is a tradeoff between using compression (saving your bandwidth) and using the sendfile feature (saving your CPU cycles). If the connector supports the sendfile feature, e.g. the NIO connector, using sendfile will take precedence over compression. The symptoms will be that static files greater that 48 Kb will be sent uncompressed. You can turn off sendfile by setting useSendfile attribute of the connector, as documented below, or change the sendfile usage threshold in the configuration of the DefaultServletin the default conf/web.xml or in the web.xml of your web application.
The value is a comma separated list of MIME types for which HTTP compression may be used. The default value istext/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript .
If compression is set to "on" then this attribute may be used to specify the minimum amount of data before the output is compressed. If not specified, this attribute is defaults to "2048".
The value is a regular expression (using java.util.regex) matching the user-agentheader of HTTP clients for which compression should not be used, because these clients, although they do advertise support for the feature, have a broken implementation. The default value is an empty String (regexp matching disabled).

Weblogic GZIP Compression設定

2.      把下載的jar放到${web_appliaction_home}/WEB-INF/lib
3.      開啟${web_appliaction_home}/WEB-INF/web.xml加入filter的設定

